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What I did this morning simplified a lot of things

 When you have an email address for a certain amount of time things get out of hand, after my morning call with a security company that I'm considering working with. I looked at my Google Workspace email. It looked awful. So many folders that I had filtered emails into thinking it would simplify things only made things worse. When I went to look for the Google Meet link for the call this morning I had to search. Time is money, also the sales guy has other calls, I can't hold him up.  So I went into my folders to see if I can't simplify things. First I noticed I had vendor, business resource, and civic resources all scattered around. I was always against nesting folders, but I'm looking at a list scrolling down almost 2 pages. So looking for a folder is a scrolling situation that leads back to time.  So I'm going to have to nest these folders. When I got through it's simple. Now I must remember that when I add a new filter I keep this structure going. So when I n...

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