Here I am After My Long Journey

 I've had a long road back since my mother passed. Its been hard and faced with situations that I could have flat out quit. I'm here now on the other side of most of it. I still have a way to go.

I'm working with community groups for a better life on the southeast side of Chicago. I can't speak about any details but I enjoy that part of my life. 

My business its been a rough road also. When I started out doing side work while working other jobs to saying officially I'm open for business, I thought by now I'd be ok. Helping people with technology, employing people and making my living. Well life threw me a curve ball. 

I'm looking to start over. The world is different, I've had bouts with myself about a 53 year-old man starting his solo tech business again. There are so many other things I have to take care of now that I didn't have to do before. After all the back and forth in my mind over work or business it always comes back to business. With this world, this country being the way it is entrepreneurship is it.  I can't see myself living any other way. 

 My first issue, before I lived off of referrals, I never advertised. Before I was ad averse, I see an ad my ears shut down I look the other way. So in my mind me doing an ad wasn't something I wanted to do. I'm in the technical services business. what a nice ad that would be I though. I'll tell someone that there is danger everywhere and I'm your protector. I laughed at that back then. Now I realized its necessary to open your mouth its not like someone is going to walk around and be like, "oh wait Kenneth does technology I'll ask him" out of thin air. I was so use to clients referring people I didn't even think about advertising. Old habits die hard and I'm wrestling with that habit now. 

The last time I had financial backing either from a job I was working at the same time or my mother angel investing into my business. Both are not there. So I'm working from the ground floor and can't make mistakes. I've actually made 2 already. I should have said no to an offer that was presented to me in December. I'll find a way to work that out. The other was not going to someone I should have years ago. I just passed their business when I was on the 71 bus just a little while ago. I gotta go see them.

 Life is different without that daily voice reminding you of things. I'm learning to remind myself. Taking notes and making them accessible so its not just a note floating around that I never get back to. Making sure I put appointments in my google or proton calendars and making sure notifacations is on. One day I'll get to the point where I'll get an executive assistant. 

My love for technology has never went away. I have cloud servers I use to keep learning new things. Keeping my sharp. I just built a truenas server out of an old PC server someone gave me. Dealing with VPN and remote management and security to use to help my future clients. This world is crazy right now. I get threat reports, intrusions, hacks and breaches via all my channels of information so I can keep my clientele and friend informed. 


Right now I'm working to let you know, I do computer (hardware) repair. Now this is to a certain point as manufacturers really don't want you repairing things they rather have you buy it again from them. I secure your network with intrusion detection and other software and remote monitoring tools. I keep your systems update without you even seeing me. I keep up with your system performance and spot potential problems before it even becomes one and slows your business down. I'm your consultant, I'm the guy that you can come to even if the technology is outside what I do. I take the time to network and bring other quality companies and individuals to solve a problem you might have. I'm looking to work with small businesses from mom and pops to larger operations. If you have one computer or a network with many different types of hardware. If your a onsite, hybrid or all remote business. I want to help you concentrate on your core business and leave the IT work to me. I want to be your IT department in your business. 

I guess thats it for now. Oh, my contact info is on my website. Everything is by appointment unless its an emergency. I hope to hear from you soon.

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