Starting to feel a certain way about Wyze.

When Wyze first came out, their cameras were an inexpensive alternative that was easy to manage. Now I'm starting to have issues.

One, Wyze doesn't integrate with anything, Smart Things, Matter, nothing. So as I'm building out my smart home Wyze doesn't fit in it. They are an outsider working on their own and killing the efficiency I want to have. I might know why.

 Two, their subscription prices keep changing. It might be because they get a different deal and they can adjust and offer the consumer something different but it makes me uneasy. There is always something changing. That has me thinking they are playing a balancing game between staying profitable and having their offerings at great prices. I feel like I might wake up one day to Wyze selling to someone else or going out of business. The former more than the latter. 

I'm a person with a homelab. I have my own servers to run services and storage so I don't really need someone to do it for me unless it's backup and there are cloud services for that. With things like Synology and running your own homeassistant on a Raspberry Pi or other single-board option, why would I want to pay for a subscription? 

So right now I'm looking for something. I see Synology coming out with their own stuff. It might be a solution but it might be more of the same thing. I have to look into that. I thought about Amcrest, I'm still looking at that option too but it would be a slower build-out as those cameras are more expensive and probably have more things I have to do to install them. I'll see. If anyone has suggestions post them in the comments I would love to hear from you. 

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