Things to think about after the staged Ubiquiti breach from an employee and their ransom attempt
The original story of the Ubiquiti breach was posted on a trusted news source so I believed it but it ended up being a ransom gone wrong. Nicolas Sharpe made up the entire thing after his ransom attempt didn't work. Here is a link to the video from a video I recently saw from Crosstalk Solutions explaining the entire thing.
Its horrible how this went down. There was major damage to the company, their major clients and the users in the end. This was all caused by greed from one man. This could possibly damage or at least put future whistle-blowers in a bad position. The next time it happens would you instantly believe them now that this has happened. I know I'll take a harder look at things before I post them on this blog.
What does this do to trust in media and whistle-blowers? As trust in media is at an all time low because of the major media model being ratings over fact checking and critical thinking its hard for people to tell what is the truth. Social media has bust the door wide open on a lot of things. One is bad journalism, I think its always been there but the internet and social media shined a light on it. So if your in the media be careful out there.
Whistle-blowers could be damaged from this also. Employers always point out this was a disgruntled former employee with revenge on their mind. Now they have a case to show in that defense. So there is going to be a smaller chance that people will come forward with important information we all need to know.
Now that the whole incident is solved, I just hope that it doesn't stop anyone from reporting real issues. I hope this doesn't get used by people that want to stop someone from reporting wrong doings. I hope that no one else thinks about doing this now that you see digital thief is not easy.
sources from Crosstalk Solutions Youtube video:
Bleeping Computer article :